Tuesday, May 1, 2012

2Hot's Impact Recap - April 26, 2012

iMPACT Recap April 26, 2012

iMPACT is filmed before a live studio audience.

Hey Fuckers!

It’s the network’s only TNA fan here with YOUR iMPACT RECAP!!, Now, since I better still have some, cue MY music!

-We open with a package that reminds us Hulk Hogan has taken over iMPACT and he’s making changes!  First change: Tonight, and apparently once a month, will be “Open Fight Night” where anyone can challenge anyone and they have to fight.  Even champions.  They’re also doing something called TNA Gut Check.  This is where once a month a guy who isn’t on the TNA roster can come and wrestle in front of the “judges” for an iMPACT contract.  In the WWE, they call these Dark Matches.

-Hulk Hogan is backstage with all the champions to let them know what the deal is, bruther.  Gail Kim says what we’re all thinking by letting him know that she thinks it’s ridiculous.  Hogan replies “It’s not ridiculous, it’s happening, bruther” which has nothing to do with the fact that it’s ridiculous.  Hogan particularly wants to see the evil foreigners Magnus and Samoan Joe to defend their titles against one of the many (read: 2) other tag teams in TNA.  But he’s not going to tell them who their fighting, but it’s TONIGHT!!

-Bruther Devon is out here and as the TV Champ, he is now required to defend his belt once a week.  Since it’s open challenge night, he decides to challenge his brother, Bruther Bubba.  Bubba comes out and bullys Devon about how he carried him for fifteen years.  Bubba doesn’t seem to know that he can’t turn down a fight on open fight night so Devon attacks him before he can walk away.  Tenay is kind enough to point out that this match is Bruther Vs Bruther.  For a couple of guys who know each other as well as they do, you’d think the match would be less sloppy than it was.  As the match progressed it got stiffer and more entertaining.  You’d almost believe they actually hated each other.  The finish comes when Devon steals Ron Simmons Dominator and gets the cover. The mark in me has wanted to see this fight for a while.  That’s why it get’s match of the night.  5 stars.

-Back stage Triple A Austin Aries is crying about Bubba pulling his pants down in their match last week.  I didn’t see it so that probably sounds worse than it was.

-Somebody off camera asks Ric Flair if he’s going to have a party for the departing Eric Bishoff.  He lets us know that he most certainly is and that the two are going to party like it’s 1899, Wooooooo!

-Then Kurt Angle, Kazarian, and Christopher Daniels were back stage arguing about who they think AJ Styles likes best.

- Uhoh, Jeremy Borash is on the entrance ramp.  This never ends well... He’s decided to call out Eric Bishoff because for three years all he’s wanted to do is tear off Bishoff’s head and fist his neck.  That seems a bit harsh.  Thankfully Bubba comes out and kicks Borash in the balls to cut the segment short.  Best use of Bubba Ray tonight.

-The Mexican Americans are in the ring letting us know that no team or wrestler can beat them and they would like to see anyone try.  I guess the crowed forgot that “American” is part of their name while they chant USA at them to try to get under their skin.  Kurt Angle decides that he is the man to shut them up so he accepts their challenge.  Three moves later, Anarquilla taps to the Angle Lock and we have our match of the night!  5 stars for having Mexican wrestlers play Mexican wrestlers.

-It’s GUT CHECK TIME!  A video package introduces us to Alex Silva.  He is from the mean streets of somewhere sunny and he lets us know that his claim to fame is having beaten the top guy in OVW.  This is of course akin to winning a Silver in the Special Olympics but he seems to think it’s important so we’ll let him have it.  He’s accompanied to the ring by VP of Talent Relations and Gut Check judge, Al Snow.  Al wants Alex to have a fighting chance so he faces glorified jobber, Robbie E.  Silva gets in some good licks but Robbie eventually takes over and gets the pin.  Thankfully, the decision is not made just yet because TNA still wants to hear from their millions of rationally thinking, certainly non trolling fans on Twitter about whether or not they think Alex Silva should get a contract. Alex didn’t really wow me but it was still probably the match of the night. I’ll give it 5 stars for seeing if this contest lasts more than two months.

-Dixie Carter is back stage remembering Erick Bishoff.  She talks about his cock, and about how he always tried to have sex with her and Hulk Hogan or something...

-Back stage, Hulk Hogan tries to sort out who should challenge the Evil Foreigners for the tag titles so he gets 4 tag teams backstage to plead their case.  Kaz and Daniels mumble a bunch of nonsense, The Machine Guns rightly claim that they are the only actual tag team in the company, Mr Anderson and Jeff Hardy are too busy doing shots and exchanging drunken “I love yous” to participate in the conversation and EY and ODB are too tired from all the screwing they did on their honeymoon.  Obviously Hogan has to eliminate the Machine Guns from the running because that match would be good.  He then tells us that this segment is a waste of time because we’re still going to decide later.

-Some hooker is stomping her way to the ring with a microphone.  Oh wait, that’s no hooker, that’s Brook Tessmacher.  Apparently everyone is talking about how she pinned Gail Kim in a tag match and by everyone, she means no one.  Be that as it may, she wants us to know that she is an actual legit challenger and not just a sweet piece of ass.  Since it’s open fight night, she wants Gail in the ring RIGHT NOW!  Gail can’t refuse so it’s on! Quite a match with the champ dominating until she gets too cocky and misses a missile dropkick.  This allows Brook to hit a move that I guess doesn’t have a name and she gets the one two three.  Easily the knockouts non-title match of the night.  5 well-developed stars.

-Video package reminds us how RVD became the #1 contender for Sacrifice.  In case you forgot, RVD is the #1 contender at Sacrifice.  May 13th, at Sacrifice, it will be RVD against Bobby Roode, for the World Title.

-Speaking of Roode, he runs in to Alex Silva back stage and says what we all are thinking.   That the Gut Check contest is stupid and pointless. He says that he had to make lots of “Sacrifices” (get it?) to get where he is today.  Then he kicks Silva in the balls.

-The spiral of pointlessness continues downward as we get another backstage segment letting us know that EY and ODB are eliminated from contention for the tag title shot tonight.  Thanks for that.

-Garret Bishoff takes some screen time to remember his Dad, but no one gives a shit.

-Oh hey, guess what, the main event tonight will be a party for Eric Bishoff!  Isn’t that awesome?!?

-Joseph Park is back and is apparently in the running for worst detective ever because I haven’t even watched the show in a month and he is clearly no closer to finding his brother Abyss.  This is what we in the writing world call a Slow Burn.  It’s what we in the wrestling fan business call a Waste of Time.

-As we continue to drag out deciding who the challengers for the Tag Titles will be, I am getting annoyed so I am going to just spoil it and let you know that Hogan obviously picks the only tag team that isn’t actually a tag team to fight for the belts.  Since Hogan has decided they are worthy of a title shot, I’ve decided they deserve a tag team name.  I henceforth dub them the Drunken Assholes.  Also since the Evil Foreigners are already in the ring, they decide to start the match RIGHT NOW!  And by right now, I mean, after this commercial break.  This turned out to be a pretty exciting match.  Not surprising considering the talent of all involved.  The Evil Foreigners dominate the Drunken Assholes for quite a while before Ed Hardy manages to bust out a Twister in the Wind and make the tag to Mr Kenderson.  The champs retain when Samoan Joe gets naked and submits Kenderson from the rear with a choke.  As they leave, Kaz and Daniels decide to attack the champs to assert their claim to a title shot.  Meanwhile, this match easily lived up to the rather dismal hype and was quite entertaining.  I have to give it match of the night and award it 5 stars for being decent in spite of itself.

-It’s Main Event Funeral time!!  I am refusing to review it on principle other than to say that it ended with Bishoff in a porta-potty and me pining for the days when shows ended with matches.

-One more thing before I go.  Somebody asked me recently if I wanted to address the comments made by one JB King towards me in regard to my recent appearance on Monday Night Flaw.  My honest answer is that I don’t.  That talentless, attention-seeking, suck-up already takes up too much air time on this network.  And for the record, you try being third mic on a show with Andy and getting a word in.  It’s hard enough to get air time when you’re second mic on a flawedcast show!  Hell, I’m pretty sure that “Tyler Houston” is a character Andy made up because he needed at least one of his shows hosted by a straight guy.   Also he talks a lot.


That happened.

You can follow me on Twitter at @2hot2k, or send your questions or comments to 2hot@flawedcast.net

See you next week!!

Your Pal


***Bonus Content***

Kelly Kelly: The girl so fat they named her twice.



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