Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Devil's Den - Introduction

I was just going to jump into the first blog, but then I thought I’d do more of an introduction to what I plan on doing with the blog and give everyone an idea of where I’m coming from with things. I know I have a reputation for being really negative about a few things, but the fact is I like to think my negativity comes from a place of positivity in that I want things I enjoy to be better. Now, my opinion of better may not match yours but that’s where a lot of my so-called negativity comes from. With that being said, this blog is mostly going to be about entertainment (television, movies, books, comics, etc.)

I’m going to admit, I like a lot of shitty television and movies and books and I’ll concede the fact that they are bad. But it doesn’t change my enjoyment of whatever it is and the reason I get drawn into these bad forms of entertainment are characters. A show or movie or book can be horribly written, have plot holes you can drive tanks through, or just not have any real deep quality but if it has a character I can connect with or a relationship, whether romantic or friendship, that speaks to me as a viewer or reader.

My tastes have varied from comedies to dramas to procedurals; science fiction to crime to soap operas, etc…but the underlying fact between all of these genres that I enjoy is that there’s a hook that brings me. That’s not to say it’s only characters that can make me watch a show, but it is a major factor and it also works the other way. I can see the quality of certain shows but I also haven’t enjoyed them as much as so-called lesser quality shows. I understand that Seinfeld was a great show but I didn’t like the characters so I could never rank it as one of my favorite shows, yet a show like Entourage which could never be considered good, I enjoyed a lot more because it was a show with likeable friendships between the core cast. That’s just one example and as I continue to do these blogs which will be more of a review of my week watching tv or movies or reading books or comics, you’ll get more insight to characters/shows/books I’ve enjoyed (Peter Bishop/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) and things I’ve disliked even after being told I should enjoy them (Boardwalk Empire, The Killing, among others)

So starting next week, hopefully, this will be a place to get my thoughts on what’s going on in the worlds of television, movies, comics, and books. I’ll have reviews of anything I’ve watched or read as well as news and gossip on upcoming releases or debuts. I will appreciate feedback either here or on the forums and will be open to suggestions/comments/criticisms.


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