Monday, April 9, 2012

Sollywood - Saturday Night Lifeless

What happened to the edgy Saturday Night Live? The show that wasn’t afraid to break the rules and take on all authority, regardless of political party?

I only ask because they never tweak Obama at all, except for a shitty Fred Armisen impression and even then, he plays the straight role surrounded by a bunch of buffoons. I’m not expecting or wanting an Amos n Andy “looky here” routine but show some fucking balls and make fun of the guy in charge if and when it’s warranted.

SNL has no problem lampooning Romney, Gingrich, Santorum, and to a degree, Biden. And rightfully so since anyone in the public eye is fair game for satire and those provide plenty of ammo. But if you’re gonna bust balls, do it across the board. Don’t just cherry pick who you attack for political reasons. This isn’t a political gripe, since I think EVERYONE is ripe for some jokes. Obama, Hillary, Biden, Romney, Palin, everyone. 

Satire is satire, comedy is comedy, don’t hold back because you’re afraid to ruffle some feathers.


  • thaipod says:
    April 10, 2012 at 1:54 PM

    I think it's because Obama is harder to lampoon then everyone else is. Romney, Gingrich, and Santorum? They make it so EASY!

    Hilary, Biden, Gore, the Bushes, and Big Bill have all had their fare share of lampoons, but I think even they were all easier to lampoon.

    I'm not saying it's not capable, but it's definitely more difficult, and will take some creativity. And we all know that creativity (along with edginess) went down the toilet for SNL many many years ago.

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